halloween cat makeup

 So, for this year's Halloween, I decided to be a cat. It isn't very scary or original, but it's quick
 and easy for people who aren't makeup experts and
don't have the time to think of creative ideas. I thought it would be fun to show you
 guys how I'm going to do my makeup for Halloween, so keep reading to find out how I did it :)
( Disclaimer: I am in no way bragging/saying I am amazing at makeup,
 I literally am the worst at doing makeup, and I don't usually wear much makeup anyway)

Step 1: Firstly, I used this really old eyeliner from the Victoria Jackson pallet, 'Mystic Eyes',
to draw on the nose. You kind of just have to play around with the shape until
you think it looks right. I have also just started to draw down a straight line
on the line that goes from my nose to my mouth in the same eyeliner.
Step 2: In this picture, I have drawn the straight line from my nose to my mouth
in eyeliner. I have also coloured the whole of my top lip in with eyeliner.
  Step 3: I have added whiskers using the
'L'Oreal Paris Super Liner Perfect Slim' Liquid Liner.
                                 Step 4: Next, I have drawn small dots using the liquid eyeliner.

                               Step 5: This is my least favourite step. I gently drew along
                      the top of my eye, then I drew a little flick and coloured it all in. I tried to
                                             make it even, but it didn't really work, haha.
                                            As I said, I am definitely not a makeup artist
                          and I am really, really bad at doing cat eye flicks. Anyway, at least I tried.

Step 6: Next I used mascara on my lashes to make my eyes look bigger and bolder.
Also to try and hide the failed cat flick eye.
Accessories: I found some old bat/cat ears and a tail in the garage so
obviously I will wear them to finish the look.

Here are the ears. You can probably get them online anywhere just to finish off the look.
Finishing touches: I also went out and bought two blue glittery jumbo eye pencils from Next. I put on the solid blue colour first, then topped it off with the blue sparkle one on top. This set cost around £6. I changed into something black, and I did the cat eye flick again but a bit neater.
Tell me what you think in the comments below ♥ 
 :) Bye! xx

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