leibster award

I've been nominated to do this by Twirlybirdie  so here we go :)

The rules
-Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award
-Answer the 11 questions given to you by that blogger
-Give 11 facts about yourself
-Nominate 11 blogs that you think deserve the award (less than 200 followers)
-Let the bloggers know that you have nominated them
-Give 11 questions for them to answer

These are Twirlybirdie's questions:

1. What's your favourite colour?
Light blue
2. What's your favourite city?
3. If you could be an animal what would you be and why?
A cat because they have more freedom than a dog, but still get lots of attention
4. Winter or Summer?
5. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
The countryside
6. What's your favourite music genre?
7. DIY or buy?
8. Lipstick or eyeshadow?
9. How do you relax?
I read
10. What would be your perfect date?
Just watching a movie together or going to a restaraunt 
11. Favourite Movie?
The hunger games catching fire
Now here are 11 facts about me :)
1. I am afraid of spiders, heights and wasps
2. My name is a palindrome which is where it is the same backwards as it is forwards
3. I love cheese
4. I think I am allergic to guinea pigs :'(
5. I love writing
6. I hate maths so much
7. I really want to travel around the world one day
8. I play the piano
9. I am obsessed with youtubers
10. I am quite tall
11. I have really curly hair
Now, I nominate:
Here are your 11 questions:
1. What's your favourite book?
2. Favourite makeup product?
3. What are you afraid of?
4. Favourite drink?
5. What do you want to be when you're older?
6. What is your least favourite subject at school?
7. What do you do when you're feeling down?
8. Favourite chocolate bar?
9. Would you rather be a unicorn or a fairy?
10. Who is your favourite youtuber? (if you have one)
11. Spring or autumn?